Going Against the Stream
This book provides practical methods for practicing Dhamma. There have been eight previous publications of this book, but the supply has been insufficient to provide enough copies to my followers and to others who are interested. However, because there are many followers who subscribe to my Dhamma teaching and support my efforts to teach others, they have provided the encouragement and the financial support to publish this English language version of the book.
The tranquility meditation methods described are basically the same as those described in the previous versions of this book. The method for developing wisdom, however, may not be exactly the same, because I have added some additional information about the process. The method used for wisdom development is wide ranging in scope and though I have added some information, I have still attempted to narrow the scope, so that it is easier for Dhamma practicers to comprehend and practice.
In terms of practicing methods, you will learn distinct walking meditation methods for tranquility or “calm mind” meditation, and the method for wisdom development (vipassana). As a result, the comprehension of these distinct methods will eliminate doubt and confusion between tranquility method and method for wisdom development. Otherwise, practicers might become confused about ending or beginning. Moreover, they might wrongly recognize a tranquility method as being a method for wisdom development. I have asked many Dhamma practicers, both monks and lay persons, how they practiced Dhamma. They answer that they develop vipassana. Then I asked further about how they develop vipassana. They answered that they practice anapana-sati, focusing on breathing going in and out. Some said that they practice watching inflation going up and deflation going down. Some said they practice reciting the parikammawords, “samma araham.” Some say that they perceive the condition of emptiness. So, in order to make the correct understanding among Dhamma practicers, I have developed Dhamma practicing methods in categories of samatha and vipassana. Dhamma practicers will be able to discern the correct method as to its use and significance.
Finally, I would like to give thanks to all my supporters who arranged for this book publication. I bless you all to have wisdom enabling you to know and to see all Dhamma and the Truth as a result of your practice and your earnest intention. May this blessing happen.
Phra Acariya Thoon Khippapanno

- Author: Venerable Acariya Thoon Khippapanyo
- Paperback: 115 pages
- Publisher: San Fran Dhammaram Temple
- Publication Date: May 30,2021
- Language: English