I have written this book, Buddho, so that readers will come to understand the correct meaning and use of the word “Buddho.” There are those who wrongly believe that by just reciting the word “Buddho” they are able to rid defilements and cravings (kilesa) from their minds, then expecting wisdom to arise which will enable them to realize how thing really are (the Truth). However, just reciting repetitiously the parikamma word “Buddho” does not make one reach purity of mind (citta) and gain Noble Fruitions, and Nibbana.
The use of the word “Buddho” has two distinct applications in these Dhamma practices:
- Samatha (tranquility meditation)
- Vipassana (gaining wisdom)
These two types of Dhamma practice, samatha and vipassana, have different purposes and ways to practice. You will know and understand those differences by reading this book. Please read with rational discernment and come to the correct understanding. Once you understand the correct meaning and use of “Buddho,” Dhamma practice will not be confusing.
In your present life, if you have accumulated sufficient merit and virtue (parami), you shall reach one of the four stages of Noble Fruitions. If not, you will reincarnate in the era of the next Lord Buddha, Buddha Metteyya.” You will listen to his Dhamma, develop wisdom and see the Truth. You will reach the ultimate state of Nibbana, becoming an arahant. In the present life, consider yourself as a lucky person to become a Buddhist disciple. Do not let this good opportunity go by. Put forth great effort to practice Dhamma and strive to accumulate merit and virtue. If you miss this good opportunity in the present life, it is uncertain that you will reincarnate to become a Buddhist again as in the present life. In this life, you have responsibilities and work to do, so just keep doing them as your duty. As your special task, keep practicing Dhamma and accumulate virtue and merit, for these will go with you when you pass away from this world. It will be the benefit of life and your real treasure.
Finally, my wish for you is that you gain discernment and wisdom to see the real view of the Truth in this present life.
Phra Acariya Thoon Khippapanno

- Author: Venerable Acariya Thoon Khippapanyo
- Paperback: 139 pages
- Publisher: San Fran Dhammaram Temple
- Publication Date: May 20, 2021
- Language: English